Sunday, 6 July 2014

esssay about the mad cow

you might have heard about a mysteriouse disease called the mad cow and today ill be

answering some questions about it like how it has been controlled looked after?
what impact do peoples current culture or relegiouse beliefes have on their attitude 
towards mad Cow compare mad cow to the impact religion had on the black death 

you might have heard news reports about a mesteriouse disease called mad cow well let

me tell a little bit about it well the mad cow disease is an illness also know as   
 BSE. people call this mesteryouse disease mad cow because it affects 
the cows nerver system.mainly the cow would  act strange and  off  and they lose control 
of their ability to think and walk that how you would know  if the
 cow has been infected or not.

in the bible it says you should not eat animal fleash  that eat other animals because 
when the animal hunts and eats the meat they might eat an animal that has the disease
so you are better off with eating fruits and vegetables and maybe some freerang chickens

doctors say the way to prevent the mad cow is to stop the public  feeding the cows
foods that they are not ment to eat 

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